"Pininfarina has always used its own experience to chart the future of the industrial sectors in which it operates, proposing solutions that are distinguished by purity, elegance, and innovation"

Silvio Pietro Angori
Amministratore delegato Pininfarina Group

The solutions are aligned with a long-term corporate vision based on environmental, social and economic sustainability. From this perspective, Legality, Integrity, Respect for the environment, Transparency, Social Equity and Value of the person are ethical principles and values which the company intends to continue to inspire.

The Group currently looks to the future with optimism thanks to the encouraging signals coming from the markets, leveraging its most precious resource: around 500 employees in Italy, Germany, China and the United States who work every day with commitment and professionalism to promote the brand, the image of Pininfarina in the world and develop more innovative, sustainable and inclusive solutions.


Pininfarina considers the environment and workplaces as a system to be preserved and works to ensure that. The plants, production and non-production processes, and services do not cause significant environmental impacts and guarantee the protection of the health and safety of workers.

Strategies in favor of people

The Pininfarina Group recognizes the importance of Human Resources, that is, the People who, with their skills, professionalism, and passion, play a fundamental role in achieving the company's objectives. This focus by the Group is evident in the principles of the Ethical Code and even more so in the daily behaviour of its individuals.

Entities like Pininfarina are undergoing a continuous process of reorganization due to the rapid evolution of technology and market transformation. In this context, People represent the ultimate strategic resource to ensure continuous improvement of performance. Therefore, it is increasingly important to identify, organize, engage, and manage them optimally. Pininfarina has always been committed to ensuring the proper management of human resources as a lever to pursue the enhancement of competitive performance and promote the value of service quality.

Human Resources Procedure

Pininfarina has always been committed to ensuring correct management of human resources as a lever for pursuing performance improvement.

Attract and foster the growth of talented people

In particular of recent graduates and young professionals through collaborations with Universities and Schools and a structured resource selection process, also regulated in detail within a specific company procedure "Request, Selection and Insertion of Human Resources". Proof of this commitment are several recent initiatives launched by the Group, such as participation in various remote career days of partner universities such as the European Institute of Design or the Institute of Applied Arts and Design and collaborations with the Almalaurea Consortium in order to attract new talents to whom internship and hiring opportunities can be proposed. Furthermore, promote collaboration agreements with the University of Turin, in particular with the Historical Studies faculty, in order to activate projects relating to the updating of the company's historical archive and give the most deserving students the opportunity to carry out internships in the company.

Promotion of skills development

By encouraging the training of collaborators and employees through the provision of targeted courses. The processes implemented to strengthen training are also formalized within the "Management of training courses" procedure which represents an integral part of the Quality and Environment Management System of Pininfarina S.p.A.

Retain and motivate the most qualified and promising resources

Through the adoption of competitive remuneration systems that encourage merit or the recognition of agreements and benefits, and also through a series of initiatives aimed at promoting a sense of inclusion and belonging to the Group. This includes the publication of the "Pininformando" magazine, with news regarding the company in general and a section dedicated to the presentation of new hires and the adoption of a "Welcome kit" with branded gadgets.

Guarantee the well-being, health and safety not only of Pininfarina staff, but also of external collaborators

The Group has in fact set itself the target of zero accidents and pursues it through training courses, the identification of responsible figures and the adoption of the highest possible safety standards. In fact, Pininfarina's offices meet the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. Furthermore, Pininfarina supports and encourages the adoption of a healthier lifestyle by its employees and collaborators, also through the stipulation of agreements with gyms.

Ensuring social equity and respect for the Person

It remains one of the founding values of Pininfarina which is constantly committed to combating all forms of discrimination.